Quest Requirements:
Icthlarin's Little Helper
Gertrude's Cat
Skill/Other Requirements:
Quests Unlocked/Partially Unlocked by completing this Quest:
Items Needed at Quest Start:
A Kitten/Cat, Catspeak amulet, 5 Death runes, Chocolate cake, Rake, Seed dibber, 4 Potato seeds, Shears, Logs, Tinderbox, Bucket of milk, Desert/Druid robe top, Desert/Druid robe bottom, Vial of water, and 400 Coins.
Items Needed to Complete Quest:
Items Recommended for Quest:
Games necklace, Amulet of glory, and teleport runes to Varrock.
Items Acquired During Quest:
Catspeak amulet(e), Chores, Recipe, 3 Weeds, Bucket, Nurse hat, Doctors hat, Present, Mouse toy, and 2 Antique lamps.
Quest Points:
A present (gives a mouse toy and two antique lamps giving 2.5k xp each to any skill). The antique lamps that you get in the Mysterious Present can only be used on skills of level 30 or higher.
Start Point:
To Start:
Speak to Unferth.
- Once in Burthorpe, speak to Unferth and offer to help him find Bob the cat. He will send you to Hild across the street.
- Hild will offer to enchant your Catspeak amulet to help find Bob. It will cost 5 death runes. Now open the amulet and a screen with the face of a cat will come up. Click the whiskers to move the arrow to a new compass direction. When the eyes light up you will know what direction to look in. The closer you get to Bob to more the mouth of the cat on the compass will open.
This means that you are headed in the right direction:
This means that you are headed in the wrong direction:
- Bob has been reported to be found all over Runescape although many have found him around Burthope or the Heros Guild. Speak to him and you will find out that he is lovesick. Next you will need to go to Gertrude and ask her about Bob's parents.
- Speak to Gertrude and you will learn about Robert the Strong. Next you will have to pay a visit to Reldo, the Varrock librarian.
- Reldo will also tell you more about Robert the Strong. When you are done speaking, head back to Bob.
- Bob can't remember Robert the strong so the cat will tell you to go to the sphinx in Sophanem.
- Teleport to Al Kharid, then enter the desert and take a carpet ride to Pollniveach. Next, walk to Sophanem and talk to the sphinx. You will get an option to view a cutscene. It is 5 minutes and 20 seconds but well worth it. In the cutscene Bob gets together with Neite, the cat he loves, and tells you to do some chores for Unferth.
- The chores are:
- Tidy House - Go to unferths house and clean the bed in the corner.
- Warm Human - Use your logs on the fireplace and then use the tinderbox on the fireplace to light the fire.
- Feed Human - Use your Chocolate cake and Bucket of milk on the table. If you need the recipe for chocolate cake search the cupboard.
- Tidy Human - Get some shears and use them on Unferth. He will now be bald.
- Tend Garden - Weed the garden then plant 4 potato seeds. The patch needs no compost or water. Needs to completely grow to be complete.
- When done your cat will tell you the chores are finished and to go and speak to Unferth.
- You will find that Unferth is ill and you will have to help him. Your cat tells you to go to the Varrock apothecary.
- The apothecary tells you that Unferth is not really ill and you will need to dress up as a doctor or nurse. He will give you either a nurse or doctor's hat. Put on your new hat and the desert robes and go to Unferth (make sure you take off any weapons and shields).
- You will convince Unferth that the water filled vial you give him is a super potion and that you have cured him and he is no longer ill.
- Find Bob with your amulet (he should be nearby) and speak to him. You will see a cutscene of his and Neite's adventures. (Including one to the KBD and a Titanic spoof.)
- Go and tell Unferth that Bob is ok and he will give you a present left to you by Bob.
Congratulations! Quest complete!
This Old School Quest Guide was written by Digipoke, the_peleton, Lord_Sc. Thanks to Bad boy30, haynesyb0y, sw1ndla, pretty_baby, Lordofchao50, Obi-Wan, spinner911, Watsermetjou, renwick, ketchup_176, and McSwindler for corrections.
This Old School Quest Guide was entered into the database on Mon, Sep 26, 2005, at 02:47:52 PM by Im4eversmart, and it was last updated on Wed, Jul 19, 2017, at 01:23:56 AM by L1ttleR3d.
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