Public Ledger from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

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Memphis, Tennessee

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EX-CO FEDERATES fcf STRAWBERRIES loaiw tio a 2 cl 5 Strawberries fresh picked two hours before the -departure ef Express trains and steamboats Lowest market price charged on da of shipment 'Will ship 0 to parties known to us If unknown the money or reference must accom- pany the order Ai 8J 4 Oliver Pinnie db Oo Hit'WBTTER'cfe OO IV 334 Main Street- II Sttiwel Sr A San Cor Jefferson and Second iU Keep conitastly on hood a fall assort-meat of fresh meats of all kinds also all kinds fresh vegetables Free dslitsry every morning Sunday included 66 i i ji I I i REFRIGERATORS ICE CHESTS WATER COOLERSi ICE-CREAM FREEZERS Or ALL STYLES SIZES AND PRICES VC 74 Sz! LI bd H3 I i bj hj i tjf o1 hd OO CD a Cl P3 tj CO I A MURDERER AT LARGE A Married PStlar Elopes witb it lady aasd Uills tbelr till Morristown Gazette 8th Q-iit a sensation was aroused in our usually placid village last Friday by tbe appearance o( a man with rske in habd fathoming aod searching the waters of the pood io rear of tha Gazette office A reporter was dispatched to the scene of operations who found that the crowd present had been collected br the presence of Mr A Nix of Clarksville Ga who was on trail of the seducer and abductor of bis sister and the murderer of her innocent offspring The reporter was introduced to a comely and intelligent young gentleman giving bis came as A 8 Nix of Clarksville Ga who stated the cause of bis presence as follows: I live in Habersham county Ga and I am the brother of a young lady named Addie Nix who was seduced aad carried away from that county last August by a man named Dr Rera-bert also of that couuly Tbe doctor was a mau of good standing a physician of large practice a man ot a family and means having a wife two cbildreu and the owner ot several valuable farms in the county No one suspected him of being the scoundrel be hat proved to be He was employed in the family of the father of Miss Nix and thus gained her confidence and succeeded in bringing on her the diBgrace and wretchedness she now suffers Abou tbe first of August last while Mr Nix and a portion of bis family were at church Dr Rembert drove his buggy to the residence of Mr Nix and Mu Addie got into it and lie two drove off The wife was then at one of kis country places and the supposition of those who saw them drpart was that they were going to visit the family where his wife was stopping The next day it was discovered that the couple had not visited Mrs Rembert bat had taken the road leading toward Tennessee For a long time no trace of the fugitives could be had Recently a gentleman from co*cke county visiting the neighborhood of Clarksville beard tbe story and subsequently gave information that led tha brother on bis present mis-sion He traced the doctor and sister and infant child to this place It seems the fugitives first found a home at Mr I I Edgar's in Jefferson county coming there the woman on horseback and tbe doctor walking having sold tha buggy on the road The doctor passed the woman as his wife and engaged to work as a day laborer asd so worked until some time io November when be hired himself to assist ie taking a drove of hogs to Sonth Carolina During his absence the reputed wile remained at Mr Rembert returned on the 12th of December and on the 13th of December the woman was delivered of a pretty and healthy daughter They remained at the house of Mr Edgar until the 24ih of February when they took the traio at Talbot's station (or M'lrriatown and reached this place at 7:40 tn that day The child was with them when tbey got off the train and it was seen in tbe arms ef Rsmbert and heard to cry as they passed tbe Grigsby House a few minutes afterward Alter pissing the Grigsby House the woman was left on tbs porch of a neighboring home until Rembert weot to tbe Summit House -to tee Mr Loop with whom be bad previously cos-traded to work Mr Loop and hi family were absent at church and Rembett and the womsn next appraral tbe Grigsby Uense aed engage a room for the eight regiaterieg as Rmb-rt aod lady Hamblen coumy Teane'ee" There was no child with them during their stay at tb Grigsby Houe Tbe next dey tbe coup! moved to tbe Summit House and lismbert went to work at the steam iw mill of Mr Loop aod remained there tntil last Friday a week ago when th man aod woman took ibe train at and have been traced a getting off at Greeoville That they are yet in Green county ia probable Rembert is without money aod eacambered w-th a wonts horrified hr bis brutality aod in dread of her life it does teem the scoundrel might be easily captured and brought to punishment 1 bat be murdered the infsot and disposed of it body between the time ha passed tb Grgsoy Hoot and th time be returned to it aud engsgsd a room tor tbn night there ie oo doubt ia tbe minds of Ihi community Young Nn describe Rembert as about thirty five years old five feet tea lochs high sheepish bang-dog countenance voiding a straight loon in lh eyes wears a mustache aad goats light hair and restless ia disposiuoa Eeglleh tepilel lalriee A large party including a number of merchants and manufacturers ef London Manchester and other English etuts arrived in New York on Monday oa the earner City of Berlin their purpoM being to scatter in different di-restion (or tour ol tba United Stales iorpectinf the great resource of lh country Mr II White of South port left immedinuly upon nrrirnl for Tssa Hi visit lo this country i for ihn parpose of eatahlishi'g nn Eugliah colony in Tstaa reproism two companies One of the it lh "Texan Middl Class Emigration Company representing a cap ul of £50 OoO aad baamg as ita object th location of eerum reads th occupation a a colony hy th middl cle of English oil Th other is the "Tssa Land and levesimeut Company Limited" with a raplta! of £100 000 wh'oh it said lo he a Isvesi-ment for the capital ot the midi' classes 0 victory almost compensates for th Chicago 6iwbrh wee caused by the Vick ef bia mother' onw broke the lantere that fired th Cr which lay i tb Kara which the p)r saw which waa pel out by tb- f0 ing lout and burned lbs town t' Graphic The millirg indues of th eoaetrv it tmd to rank next number of 0r 7 eM to evrr 60 000 seen whne i are a boat (7 frKt ft aad L-reteg ont yearly sheet 60 000fr0 bar-rnls of flour ef which 4 000 000 ere exports to forwgn countries CD 22 SQTQ f-2 10 QO 00 in OO I a GO 2 OJ a2 I NmS cr- GO trh Gp HEAD OYER HEELS A Big Fish far Co Small a Food Quito a dashing fashionably dressed yoong gentleman nnderstood to bo a commercial traveler from CLicego pot bis appearance at tbe akating rink yesterday afternoon and lost so time in showing tbe natives bow they do it in Sbeecaiwgo He just dropped hit hands behind him as be bad no other nse for then and moved eff like top oa a glass floor After circulating aronad tbe hall a few times be began to cut the most intricate figures such as writing hit name and address forward and thee reversed in a space of a few yards He seemed quite oblivions to tbe crowd and the sensation bs was creating and con-tinned tha grsceful sport as thoQgh it were a matter of daily exercise Finally be reversod the engine to to speak and circled arennd backward as well as forward Unfortunately he bad no eyes in the back of bis head and in one of hi long run a if basking tor au imaginary base-ball be made directly for the fountain and struck tbe rim of the basin wbicb is about knee high There was no help for it he had to go in good clothes ahd all Ilia hands flew oat wildly bat a parachute would not have saved him He atruck the eighteen-inch pond os fiat ea a board and hit head went under the mad waes It was a critical moment for oar hero He doubtless thoaght ho had fallen into some old well or cistern for he made a desperate effort to hold ea to the rim with his heels bat even these well ae veloped knobs of anatomy failed him anti slipped off He Struck out boldly on the swim hoping apparently to keep np until a bucket or a lifeboat could bs lowered But when tbe heaviest part of him struck bottom or rather when tbe two bottoms struck together and heblowed tbe water out of his ejes he realized the situation and was greeted with peals of not over-polite laughter from his late admirers He shot out of there like wet dog end made trail lo tbe door a yard wide Oar hero had made two sensations in half an hour one graceful and elegant the other unhappy and lndicrona The chronic small boy at tbe door yelled at him "Come ont of that bathing suit" this haint no bathing house" Last bight Mr "Sbeecaiwgo" was there tgain in a dry suit of clothes but it was remarked that he gave that blarsted" fountain a wide berth and refrained from all backward toncbei Clilldren'eacliooland picnic nice afyllwU goods na old at prices to ault Ibe times COI1EX the halier 219 Wain st -63 HctalnuU Magic Liniment For sale at Wtlkrnoo A Co's Billiards 39c per hoar la daytime at Converse's bll Hard parlors 312 Main aC 78 Mnles aad liorseo reel red dally at Falrea sale stable 55 Falsa st 39t Ts I ladies of the Saffarrae street Church will hav a strawberry and iceeream sapper on Friday night Msy 10th at their church Tb public are cordially isvited to attend Canary aud uocklngblrd rages cheap at Tarn bull's 231 Mala st 39t Ice cream made from pare Illinois cream 10c per plate at Barter's STY Main st ill Taw Pwaatlwa nwrwt At Naples be wu beloved by hi soldier for bis valor by the arietorracy ol that which wa then in tdletl and most diMipaied capital in Europe tor hi pro-lure horpiuluy and by tbelitzaroni lor bn opnhaadriinea Uewazamgofi-cent patron of tb aria which admioit-tervd to pomp and show and wa poiittvely tdol'tvd by lh military tailor and hzirdroaer lh perfomert and the embroiderer Ibis soldier of forluns bo wa a brave a a lion and wh a a buiband aad fatbrr wa xmplarily failblul and lender but wboa coavrra-lion smacked of tbe guard room aad tb troopers' stab! wa wont to aitir him-II baif alter tb mtaner ol Orlando Kanoto nd half after that of Dr Dulcamara Ntver btfor bad Iher been teen to far a Co I urn writ to atoo-hmg a mountebaak Byron is a dealblnaa cdz ba ipoken of Murat a lb wearer ol lh oow wbi but as a matter ol lact iba iedulgtd in a great uinv whim baulz paaacbet bianra Tha oow whu pluma wai aerured by a diamond aigrette a cap of purpla velvet and ie tbal together witb a pli ol tba tama cotlly alerial lird wub ablw a gold embroidered jerkid pania-loone of wbit buckzkie lirin boo of crinioa mo roe co and gold (ringed gauntlets be woo Id eaneol into action os hi mntptaoua-'y czpzntoaed charger waiemg hi asher wub th cjJj jewrled bill sbov big heed and preventing a "makeup" which Mr Decrow tf Avl-ly's amphitheater bate eoe ei Bat beaalb tb lintel and tptnglet tbe albert and tb fur tbr ev a band ol iron tb ya of an Mgle ard tbebrart of liob II Wa tb boHrai dragona that aeer drew saber from scabbard bn chargiag bodily throngh tb nrj tqsadron wa vctneiimi fin tn charge back again to re roet th reeled Ice Aa exchange asks "Will take wtrf" Not she Ilf mi Id Ml tipple an' gland elf IS si cn i W- C3 2 tr ea 3 TT CO Ui S9 -J QO S3 Ks 9 9 ft 9 gj GC 2 CfQ TEOUBLE New Crop of Scrub So-Called A Vigeroni Proclamation from Got ernor Porter Tbe following correspondence which eppear in the American of yesterday shows how much trouble few reckless rnffians ean cause in a quiet community Billbccklx Tins May To His Excellency Governor Porter Hokorablc Sib Some mooth or six weeks past and several times since oar town was visited by companies of masked or disguised men on horseback and in tbe neighborhood where also there is complaint of the same kind Some citi zees were flogged some week ago whereupoo the mayor of our town issued a proclamation that tbe people meet at Bellbuckl fer tbe parpose of disapproving such conduct and if possible per suad them to desist There wai a large assemblage on the day appointed Several speeches were delivered and resolutions adopted against the proceedings had by tha so-called Ku Klux" On the 30th of April last we had a prisoner in the lock up here for a violation of tbe laws and at night these disguised men some dozen in number broke opes the prison took the prisoner ont aod whipped him outrageously and made other threats as the prisoner says He presented himself tbe next day ithiu the corporation We bad bim examined and found his statement true We deaire not only to disapprove of such conduct but to put a stop to it if we ran and as the good citizens of the vicinity desire the tame and that we do something in tbe matter we pray yonr excellency to assist ns by estng yonr privilege aod authority under the code of laws See sec 4770 Since writing these lines we have found posted op in onrtown tbe inclosed notice an 4 threats which yon can read and govern yonraelf accordingly and have tbit communication published By order of tb board ol mayor and aldermen of th town ef Bellbnckle Moos Secretary The following is the notice alluded to above: Woodco*ck Co Fscxtswoon Gtovi tbe well-known land said-to-be kn klox after due consideration think it our duty to the citizens of Bellbnckle to say this in regard to our organisation and alao to our disorganization We bavt beea told that a few of the men of Bellbnckle say that we only coasiat ef a few wild rattling boys and that if we don't quit raiding they mill make ns let at correct that mistake At to our numbers it ia somewhat near a thousand and that it ia of tbe best citizens of the coenty and wbea yon think yon can capture na be sure yon are right and then go ahead We haven't any fears whatever If yon think give ns a challenge We don't propoee to rebel against the Uuited Slate neither do we propose to have any bard feelings with onr -friend for we are friends to tome of yon bat if there it not lest talk in Bellbnckle than there ha been we will tore your damn little town over end declare our independence Now we mean juit what we tay and tbe leat yon can aay will be beat and betide want your we will evil on yon for it We will give aoae ol you a call anyhow if yon keep your peace There i one thing that has to be stopped and that is white men egging negroes to shoot tbe Ka Klux or we will pUy hell with yonr ducks Now we know who yoa are and propose to make long lawioitt end short In response to tbe letter signed by Mr Moon for the board o( aldermea of Bell-buckle Governor Porter has forwarded tb following: Exact-mi Orvtra Mr 6th Moos Seoretary ate Bvllbaokla Ta- Eucloaed is a copy of my proclamation isaned in answer to yonr communication of th3J ioL I intend it as an earnest aod emphatic aaaurasce lo the good people of yonr count 1 1 at lawlessness tball not tolerated in Ten-nevie if my effort ca prevent it You must remember however that noamoeet of official seal will accomplish anything on leas the officer of th law hav th cUve moral support of th people Very repectfolly Jans Pox-tea Th Hjaterx Bases Ikvlvlvaa A cava bal bees diaoovtrtd on lb farm of Mr Henry O'Bnee of Lyon county Ky Tb cat i id tbe bigh bluff that overlook the Tennesgre river Mr orien and hi neighbor explored I lb other dy and they were horrified to find seven klton leotuting th darkness Judging from Ibeir surrounding and th fact that th mouth of tb room ia which Ihey were lound bed been almost entirely obstructed by debris which must have bee mans years ia cumulating It is probable that tha bene those ol tome early aborigine of th Ubio aed Tenor teller Th ep-peartnc of two of lh skeletons would indicate that a fearful tragedy had hu enacted in tb gloomy receitet of this subterranean cavern (or era of them lies acto the ethsr and th boey finger of both hands yet dutch tb throat of lb supposed victim Th wall of tha room in wJch lh skeletons were discovered ar smooth a if tbey had been finished with a chitsL Gn'tid o4 the bon not a vestige ol anything that would Indicate that th cava had ver bee occupied by bam brings remain (Teducab Sun The aieiy-ix (S Gatrdiaa chroa-ties the birth ol colored parent of very singular child From the waist lo tut eron of lh child's head iu skin is pur hif from the to th ses the skin I of coal black and from ihrr dews the skia ia while lb head ia covered with hair a while a driven sno and I onasuaHy long for a child of that age The child re large btahky irresgtag to To veil she Reioiaul oa Clone At a meeting of the Confederal and Historical Association held in tbe office of tbe Planters Insurance Company last night Major A Goodman president occupied the chair Oa motion Johnstoa was appointed secretary pro tem 'he permanent secretary being naavoidably absent The president explained the object of tbe meeting being for tbe parpose of making arrangements for unveiling tbe moBOment to tbe Confederate dead now in transit and to be erected in Elmwood Cemetery Captain MeFarland chairman of the mooumental committee reported that tbe meanmeet was finished and wae now oe its way here and that is committee bad selected General Homes as the orator for tbe occasion and that General Haines bed consented to deliver tbe oretioo On motion of Major Woodson tbe chair was authorized to appoint committee of five to be known as the committee of to make all the arrangements for tbe ceremonies oa tbe day and to act in concert with the monumental committee aad that the committee of arraogementa shall publish the order of exercise! and ceremonies without farther reference to any other meeting of this association Under this motion the president appointed the following gentlemen: Mjor Woodson Captain Harvey Mathea Major Rhett Major 0 Ram-bant Captain A Collier On motion the meeting adjourned A Goodmxh President Johhsto Secretary pro tem Tbe committee of arrangements appointed above for the association met at tbe office of Smith Collier this morning at 10 o'clock At tbe request of Major Will 0 Woodson who desired not to serve in the position Major Rambant was made chairman On motion Major Will Woodson was ap pointed aecretary Tbe following committees were appointed to atsist in the preparations for naveiling the mono ment: On Transportation Barney Hughes chairman John Flynn Burke Vredenburgh Ad S'orm On Hatcher chairman Chris Steiuknhl Major Thrall ti Phillips Captain Beasley A Vaccarn Colonel Magevney jr Cap tain Black and Johnston On Captain Thoa Johnston chairman SR Gammon Vance Oscar Wooldridge Perkins Captain Wm Forrest Committee of Reception General Gideen Pillow chairman General A Vanghan Colonel Josiah Patterson Jadge Heiskill Jadge Morgan Captain Joseph Lenow Judge Sneed Mejor Rhea Captain James A Anderson Myer Floral Committee Mrs Cnm ming Mr Porter Mr Tay lor Mr 8ledge Mrs A Good man Mrs Brinkley Mrs John Lenow Mrs Anperson Mrs Galloway Mr Gay? Mra Babb Mr La'ham Mr 8teinkuhl Mrs John Dawson Mrs UA Pinson Mrs Hartmns Mrs Anderson Mrs Harvey Mat bee Mrs Forrest Mr McFarland Muse Emilie Phillips Mattie McKay Mollie Fates McComb Florence Bugg Sas Rambant Laura Clapp Katie Morphy Emma Etheridge Man-n Semmea LqIq Joy Mary Wormelley Kate Adam Poston On Order Poston chairman Msjor Hartmns Falls Colonel Edmondson Nelson Msjor VT Beard John Hillsman Jas Cleary Colonrl George Phelan Captain Jas Jeorelt Captain A Cole Captain Thomas Tobin Colooel Jcs A Forrest Chief Marshal Gen Colton Greeae who will select hi assistant Tb commitln then adjourned to meet again on Saturday evening the I lb tost at 8 at the fame place KAHN A FBEIBERG Corntrof Mali Rad Pp1ar Coatinue to aell Ladiea' alipperi 60c filter I5c Ladiea' boee 5c JJc eamlesr 20c Linen lawn beautiful pattern 12)o 13c Realy-made dmaaes 3 piece 1 $125 Damaik towel crash 5o yard Coraeia 60c corteia 23s per pair Sash ribbon 20cwidett 23a 30 Thread g'ove 10c kid taantlntt 33 0 KlHt A FREIUERO rstasrlalaas raplar Btroels Banes' pur ertam lOe per plate 33 Stain 60! Da- Atraxn Vooanits make a cialiy of traatiog diaeaiei of lb Era and El a Office 323 PopU it 69 New North Carolina 4 Itoe Herring Choice Dried Keef Cbolc Beef Tongne IlYAfV at CO 69 313 Cfaln of reef Is tho Lspoxa job oftic can bo fono-competeal akillful and tasteful printer who can give entire atifactioa ia the dtiplay of asy job printing 1291 Ilrlrigoralora watercooler and leereant freesero Ibe eheapest In the city at Tornball'o 231 Mala at 33T rut town Kiev caeea t( drank ditordetlie and doing buaineu without licania ware dipod of tbit worniog hy livcorder Quigley Jamas Krante mooing lotUry for th benafil of Ui amophiati catd forfeit! bis (23 Syduey Dare charged wi'h cnmmiturg tap on a little over girl named Ilill ct tonituntd aslil to-morrow morning A TT 5EHSOM CO IlarereraoTed (ol9 Bala tL Dotty rtelp(if poultry eggs butler elf Low lo Ibo Trod (0 Taetypa material and workmea of da Lanota jab offica ar a good as the heat and kaaco we guarantee first class work asd foil seUafaMioa nor yatroaa Tbe Yieaaii I re-cream par ior earner of Fearth anil peplsr are epett ler TltUora 61 John UaUb Undertaker 4t Saeoal raioff-oa 1441 Prime Heaa Bf Im Whole and Half Barrel at 11 beeearl fir at lea jw- PUBLIC LEDGER OSce IS Madison Street UR8EST CIII CIRCULATION THE C37T Ye MEMPHIS Tbareday Evealag Hay I 187 LEDGER LINES Tigos Bny yonr grocene of Co H9 Mein itreet Bay berries They are larger boxes and berries than any other Gentlemen dine at the Leath Orphan Asylnm dioiog-room corner of Main and Jefferson streets The last day Only three days are left in which to boy tickets in the regular monthly drawing of the Louisiana lottery See advertisem*nt Major Cobb of the Fort Smith aod Little Rock railroad has been ia the city among big many friend for two or three dajs Large crowds continue to attend the temperance concerts end addresses at the Greenlaw Opera House condacltd by Mr end Mr Lincoln A (ail attend ance is expected to-night Why is it that the miserable large hole on Lauderdale street near Vance is not filled npT Yesterday evening the whole neighborhood Anreed ont ea masse to save a horse from drowning The indorsem*nt of the physicians of Baroe's aenppernong champagne has made such a demand for it as to in dace Wilkerson A Co the enterprising droggists to keep it for sale Captain Chrie Ste'nknbl ha changed hi base aod may be found presiding at the Peabody bar along with "Conn" th old reliable where a complete line of the best liquor wises etc is dispensed A fine lunch is set from 11 to 2 daily The Bluff City Artilljry Company drills regularly and is increasing rapidly Csptaie Rendelktahar iatends to challenge the Bores Artillery of Nashville tome time this summer 0 will receive forty saber and forty Skdile-blaokets for lie company thia week The proposed celebration of the Fourth of Jaly in Memphis is all the talk here aod it commented upoa favorably by the press from Louisville to Vickebnrg and from CbaitBBooga to Little Rock It intsnned to be po common affair aad is ia the proper beads to work it np 09 cess'n'Jy People who were going away early new sny they will wait until after th Fonrth The contest between the different boat clubs will taka Viera on Sunday next at 4 o'clock i Monad City chute The steamer City ef Aegneta will make two trip from the foot of Jefferson street to transport pereons desiring to witness the regatta Oa tb first trip tb boat will leave at 1 o'clock aod on the see to trip at 339 o'clock sharp Round trip tickets 60 cects Robtrt 8 peed the admiral The picnic end concert at Estival Park next Toesday night for the beaefit of St Joseph's (Catholic) church will be th vent of the aeatoa A excellent baed of mosic will be oa the grenade through out the dey Besides a dy of reerea tioa and enjwymeat a mieical pro gramma has been arranged for the eve catertaiemeoL Mr Emile Lsvy will preside at the piaeo aod manege the concert Mtsleme IMelhnrne Mao ford Mies Marie aod Messrs Rti end Martin will take part ia the mtslcal cxercisfL Oa Friday night May 17th the Li brary Dramatte Association will pretest dram et-C oa which occasion th attrecrions will be Tea Nighu in Bar R3001 and Perfection Tickets fifty Ccoll Box ihetts open at Wilkins jewelry Mora No etlr charge for re tarred reels Th enUrtiaml will be a pleati oa aad will doahU dr a Urge attendance Tha anagmtal of the hfarphy movemeet should adjonra their meeting on tb eccasioa aod advie their sodioeiie attend the Uemph Theater A moral leeeoa wili be coo vejed that ran oil pictured with words Choice Penpane Rrclff Ltki PrcU Tldr JFarka -SO and if Jrflrnwa efrceL Ilarfe' port cream lOc per plloIISIMlatl tot Ifrhold lAgtr Boer RaUov Bli Mata 17 ol Tex Coluneade llnivl riladtphia Tan leotd for ita Wall ea aad turr aljaar its appottlmaote 4 MhIm an4 bo raw recelred dally it Fair' isle Ifiblr 66 si Dt Ptebodf lUUUrdl Raem Flrrtlaa la ttrrf reaperf Id Ck Preprller 4J! Li I VS'm Fluting Machines $150 $2 48 125 Feff WENT COTTAGE No 348 Lauderdale Apple at 44-tJ NO 15 COt ft 1 ST THREE llee cottages on Secoad street between bill and Greenlaw Inquire at No 67 Seeond street 41 fpHE front of 312 Main street now occupied (Ja f'f" tnf tJBfinre ea prenusea A ERICK HOUSE and a Frame House with large yard stable etc on Washington street near coiner ef Orleans Inquire for terms at 356 Washington street corner oi Orleans street 44 FOR SALE A tor a aico reekaway 67-61 Apply at 807 PuPLAR 6T ptRUIT BOXES OF ALL KINDS and sizes -TTSrA0Yi WILLIAMS ACOi Lumber Deakrf '1 VNO 1 I A HO PONT Apply KING 276 Front Bt TWO CHEAP IS 01 56 n4 58H north tido of Marshall aveouej wo-story buildings with 8 rooms each I will receive bids ior the receiver Judge Shipp until Marsh 6th WFRAlKR 145-J 27 South Court street FfA LL color and prices of Job Ink also News Ink in begs at thi office 116 1 A FINE horse buggy and harness (new) Apply at No 8 Madison st 27-t dl AAA of Bluff City Cotton Mills stock oIUUU at Mechanics and Traders Bank No Madison street 1 FOR SALE-OLD TYPE-BETTER THAN Banbitt metal for light fast running machinery at this office 3A-t FOR SALK-NEW FORM OP DEEDS just ont for tale at Ledger office T10R SALE-OLD NEWSPAPERS 48o PER hundred at this office the ches pest wrap' rarer yon con ret 5V yb FOR WALE OR EXCHANGE 4 Gf? ACRES of rich timbered lend lying 10 Bear tha Louisville railroad Susceptible of being develop'd into stock aad grass farm if il McCALLUM Agent grass 56 WANTED PIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER AT 1501 MENKKN CUSTOMERS for 607 pair of New- JIJlBSU UU'S MI nain THE PUBLIC TO KNOW tht I will not rBpoueibl for ty bill bought by any on eguoeoted wth th Ledger ofiio or out of it and wul notallow uoh bill ia MtUooafitof my aoooanU uulau accompanied by my rltf LOST rNOTK for 1100 dated Mdv 9 1378 doe mm months eftes date made by Koett indorsed by Gordon and Bat-ler Anderson Reward if returned to HATCH KK 313 M'ti street I STRAYED Tuesday Unit goth a very brirht ivd eew branded VG" an right hip leit horn broken mottled wits while en breast beery with calf A liberal reward for tier return Co 93Madieoast CHRIS bTElNKLHL T--r PERSONAL ITT 1 Birr Attorney-et-Liw Ne SI Adams street 161 I S-HXKSON DENTIST MaiiT4ptreet- COLEMAN JUSTICE I at the Peaea Netary Pablis end Coamis-tleaer of Deeds Special eiteatioa rivea to elleetioat 1b the ooanty Offin AM great tL US LOTTERY YUM A I I BPLggDIB A BIS A MJ ritrtbatlea 1873 'MyHth BPLggDIB PPPeumiiTT MjmTl'srl-InOh Oree at New Orleans inetdny LOCINIAia STATE IOTTEHT IT) This InstitntleB we veralarly inenrpereteg by the Leridelare ef the elate for fcJere-tional end Cnerilakle parpeae la Had wub a Capital of IIIU'OOU lo which il has sine died reserve fund ef 00 ITM AN I) SIStfLK MJVnSA plSTRItL fli'NS will (aluedana taentiilr ea the seeeni laepdv It gsvsa eoai ts at ruirrrosu Leek at the lellewiag DistnbuUea: CAPITAL rilll IH fee Tirana as it Pwilee Cesh i Mslf lleBeta Owe nailer LIST OB PRIZES i CAPITAL nt I I APlTAL fHIK Hii 1 CA A PR I 1 1 7 i glNU 3 PHI 7 KS OP lt'si B1PKI7HAOB MW 7ii9 PRI7MOP 10 P-lKaciP 6iC lu 10 10 tl 10 iO lOLOO kii rRi7M(ir JOnOPRIbSOP lo 1 APPROXIMATION PR17ES Aygr)in5uoa rn4 of 11X1 a lM VU )M Frit nmountinc -nn- fLASM)tbl rpoDdlt tnli ti All whom a ItbariJ fon Mniioa will ApphpNU'ft for pUKa hnt)ld naly mi Sba ia tN Yk iriy ddr Iwr fut' Ih-I lBlr4U(B 0 Res ftdt New Lifl Te Or 5 I Weal Con 1 1'ret Mawrhis ln Aft It a AlleerOrend Enraerdlnerf Drewiev a an it the a1 seet CwiaO I BKAURfiGAlvDenA a CHIbl TO NIG UUHKKA ciULIi TOMC AFTA5PA lb IFrifl'i nnf tgeUu kg mor Ifciltr fr I'm Are where ib'l tel ed a ed Pilee II I 1 kGGpIKAR 1M Mel ev I vyvlM 1 TEAS yr 1 (J eboleei I it ei I Ame4'S A iroe io-i ta ik v-! arNit CavraaF la if iANtrf Ainu T(rvv)ir la Fni-)ai't vuta for riitvlar ta RuI vit LVft P03TRRA SHOW 8ILU t'AfUA (SrT(itr4a roitaa ap an Ik rfka UimH I '04jrH6 imt Mf rmt a( ta tka L4 $1 $6 Fluting Irons $1 $125 AMUsem*nTS ME BSPHIS THEATER LIBRARY BRAMUIC ASSOCIATIOM BT Friday Bf ay 17tli 1878 1 wut arpKtr Tkk Nights is a lim-aaoii xan Piifsctios Tickets 60o Box sheet open at Wilkins' Jewelry Store extra charge fer reserved seats 63-67 HOLLER fKATISG IJINIvI AT EXPOSITION DOORS open from in to 12 a tn from to 5 pm and irom 7K to pm Single admiiaion2'c use of Skates at all times 25e: Ticket in packages ol twehe sood ior one admission or one pair of fckatos 12 admission 10c Morning Assemblies admission 2o (Skate free Monday Wedaee-dav and Friday Ladies Nights with matin Us tinea Saturday with music 1 he management reserve the right tn admit only whom they choose 44 BOAT RACE REGATTA 1HE rontest between the different Boat Clubs will tke place on SUNDAY NEXT at 4 o'clock pm ia Mound City Chute The steamer City of Angustawiil make two tripe from the foot of Jefferson street to transport ersont dwiring to witness the Regatta" a the first trip the boat will tears at 1 ni and on the second tujr at 114 pm sharp Round trigtickcls 50c PPKPD Admiral MUSIC HOUSE Only $225 Only FOR A SPLENDID 14 OCIAVB r3 ALSO EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR The Steinway Piano AT REDUNCED PRICES ORGANS $5') AND UPWARD 6allarfBarJoa Ylellaa Anerdcoas etc at bolaal piles It all A MC8ICAL PAL1CE No 307 JMain tt TWntw pyAnonr 8T0VRS ETO LOUIS DUSH piiui iikLi nxDiort StoYcs Grates i imtDlVAIlE 304 JHnin tatreet MEMPHIS TERN agr Will glva pom fall valaa for year luewry Call aad aeo him or writ lrpriM Hi gr SADDLERY JOHN (J SICK lAXCfACTCtt or AX IV SADDLES HARNESS LEATHER SHOE FINDINGS 366 Main St SinirillN TFNNXHeirF LIVERY STASLE Livery and Sale Stable WIJ St yoa wUb blr a Im Wns aad bufff a s0'Jis borM at ay rUbltaedl wUlglTgyca ai ood a tb any a-rdl aad at oj Ion ftioraa Ni iddl aad bsroa borac for aaia tail and in for yurclf LEAKE I)7H Mnla No at ROOFIRO FAINTS HiblTl uVi: A ASD LUttFL UOOIIKM Ftreed Weie prf ferrvwieg Mlellm aed Phiegte Reef St Art maMrs-( f'lit ON tY LOAN cheap'money T9I7 la a tmaat tart 't br I few Sral fr-s IS esieal Wn01 toel'Mtea a tvaaive tn aetaat i ARwrVR" r'M Tf Nf t4 la aai lvw 4r nt a-ai rather riiwrf' itf UnrlnnttlfOv -AiaaikrW rtt art far AdveitNlnc hl ry ADVCNTISINC 'n FRESH MAR BROS AOVERTIXIMQ AfitNTS gtlwtM rattkad ft 4 Tar a strSvta sat 4 I.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.